Online / Physical Event

3rd World Congress on

Diabetes and Obesity

Theme: Recent advances in Diabetes and Obesity

Event Date & Time

Event Location

Rome, Italy

Brochure Program Abstract Registration ReaderBase Awards

20 Years Of Excellence in Scientific Events

Performers / Professionals From Around The Globe

Conference Speaker

Jeffrey R Bender

Director Cardiovascular Research Center

Conference Speaker

Fernand Labrie

Founder and CEO EndoCeutics

Conference Speaker

Eugene D Albrecht

Professor University of Maryland School of Medicine

Conference Speaker

Hesham H. Ali

Professor University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) United States

Conference Speaker

Vladimir E. Bondarenko

Associate Professor Georgia State University

Conference Speaker

Alexander A. Kamnev

Professor Russian Academy of Sciences

Conference Speaker

Scott Tebbutt

Associate Professor University of British Columbia

Conference Speaker

Jose Luis Reyes Sanchez

Associate Professor Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN

Conference Speaker

Alla Ovsyannikova

Endocrinologist Scientific Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine

Conference Speaker

Philip D Houck

Baylor Scott & White Healthcare

Conference Speaker

Vance B. Matthews

The Western Australian Institute for Medical Research

Conference Speaker

Ralph Abraham

London Medical College

Tracks & Key Topics

Diabetes Conference 2019


Euroscicon is proud to host the 3rd World Congress on Diabetes and Obesity (Diabetes conferences 2019) happening during March 18-20, 2019 in Rome, Italy. The conference is themed around “Recent advances in Diabetes and Obesity” with the aim to assemble a large audience of trade, healthcare, research, and medical practitioners to coach and produce a few fruitful discussions on the confined topics. This can be an excellent event to network, learn and have interaction with professionals within the field of polygenic disease and fat.

Benefits of Participation:

Diabetes Conference 2019 is open for oral papers, poster shows and scientific panel discussions across the highlighted sessions within the web site and proposals on alternative topics that don't seem to be listed also are welcome provided, they meet the objectives of the conference. We are focusing to inspire, discuss, and work along to bring out an answer for numerous issues related to polygenic disorder and medicine.

Who can attend? 

The DIABETES CONFERENCE 2019 lays a platform for the diabetologists, endocrinologists and experts both from Industry and Academia working in various subdomains of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism. The Diabetes and Obesity conference is open for all the Diabetes Doctors, Specialists, Endocrinologists, Researchers, Physicians, Business Analysts, Academicians, Lab Technicians, Nurses, Diabetes Educators, Nutritionists and Dietitians.

Opportunities for Conference Attendees

Specialists & Educators:

  • Speaker Presentations
  • Poster Display
  • Symposium hosting
  • Workshop organizing

Students & Research Scholars:

  • Poster Competition (Winner will get Best Poster Award)
  • Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the best presenter)
  • Student Attendee
  • Group registrations

Business Delegates:

  • Speaker Presentations
  • Symposium hosting
  • Book Launch event
  • Networking opportunities
  • Audience participation

Universities, Associations & Societies:

  • Association Partnering
  • Collaboration proposals
  • Academic Partnering
  • Group Participation


  • Exhibitor and Vendor booths
  • Sponsorships opportunities
  • Product launch
  • Workshop organizing
  • Scientific Partnering
  • Marketing and Networking with clients

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We are open to accept suggestions for the additon of new tracks under the area of Diabetes and Obesity . Feel free to contact us if you have any idea about the same or want to present on something that is related but not in our list .

Kindly note tracks would only be added after the review by our organizing committee .

Mail us to learn more about the requirements


Track 1 : Diabetes And Obesity  

Body mass index features a robust relationship to polygenic disease  and hypoglycemic agent resistance. In corpulent people, the quantity of nonesterified fatty acids, glycerol, hormones, cytokines, unhealthy markers, and alternative substances that area unit concerned within the development of hypoglycemic agent resistance, is multiplied. The pathological process within the development of polygenic disease is predicated on the very fact that the β-islet cells of the duct gland area unit impaired, inflicting an absence of management of glucose. The event of polygenic disease becomes additional inevitable if the failure of β-islet cells of the duct gland is amid hypoglycemic agent resistance. Weight gain and body mass area unit central to the formation and rising incidence of kind one and kind a pair of polygenic disease. This literature review can demonstrate the facts that link avoirdupois with hypoglycemic agent resistance and duct gland β-cell dysfunction. Lastly, new approaches in managing and preventing polygenic disease in corpulent people should be studied and investigated supported the facts. A report in the week in Science proposes that being overweight stresses the insides of individual cells. Specifically, mortal sin stresses the membranous network inside cells known as endoplasmic reticulum. Once the ER has additional nutrients to method than it will handle, it sends out AN alarm signal telling the cell to dampen down the hypoglycemic agent receptors on the cell surface. This interprets to hypoglycemic agent resistance and to persistently high concentrations of the sugar aldohexose within the blood is one among the positive signs of polygenic disease.

Click to view the major topics of discussion under this topic.

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Track 2 : Diabetes and Endocrinology

The human body secretes hormones to maintain the chemical balance in the body in order to run our body smoothly. These hormones are released in our body by some glands that are considered to be the part of the endocrine system. The major endocrine organs present in our body include pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenalin gland, ovaries, testes and pancreas.

In diabetes patients the main problem that incurs due to the endocrine system is the hormone imbalance. This is because of the lack or excessive secretion of the hormone from their respective gland. But diabetes is majorly a pancreatic disorder that is incurred due to irregular release of Insulin

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Track 3 : Latest Techniques in Diabetes Diagnosis  

 In this decade mostly health care professionals use the Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) test or the A1C test to diagnose diabetes. In some cases, they may use a Random Plasma Glucose (RPG) test.

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Track 4 :  Pancreatitis and Insulin

The pancreas is academic degree organ placed behind the lower a vicinity of the abdomen, above the spine and plays a really a vital role in diabetes. The pancreas is that the organ that produces the insulin, one the foremost hormones that helps to manage hexose or the blood sugar glucose levels by aiding the transport of aldohexose from the blood into neighboring cells. The cells that manufacture the insulin are known as beta cells. These cells square measure distributed terribly} very cluster of cells inside the secretor. Diabetes is mainly classified into two types - Type 1 daiebets and Type 2 diabetes. In Type 1 diabetes , the beta cells that manufacture internal secretion square measure attacked by the body’s system. As further beta cells get killed off, the pancreas struggles to produce enough hormones to remain blood sugar levels down and conjointly the symptoms of genetic disorder begin to appear. Analysis has shown that whereas many beta cells square measure killed off, the body can still manufacture very small amounts of internal secretion even once decades have passed. In kind a try of genetic disorder, the body builds up resistance to internal secretion and extra internal secretion is needed to bring down aldohexose levels. As a result the pancreas should manufacture further internal secretion than it normally need to. If the secretor can no longer manufacture enough hormones to bring down sugar levels, the symptoms of genetic disorder will begin to appear. kind a try of genetic disorder comes on step by step and it'll take up to years for symptoms to appear. further development of kind a try of genetic disorder can end in loss of internal secretion producing beta cells from the secretor which could end in the need for internal secretion to be administered.

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Track 5 : Diabetes and cancer

Diabetes mellitus and Cancer Risk: With a degree of heterogeneity among studies .In case control studies, people with diabetes mellitus didn't have an importance risk of ovarian cancer in comparison with groups. A high level of heterogeneity was found among case management studies .Among cohort research and nested case control research, we found that diabetes mellitus significantly improved sufferers risk of ovarian cancer with minimal heterogeneity among studies .We conducted subgroup analyses based on study design, geographical area, methods of diabetes mellitus evaluation, interval between diabetes mellitus identification and growth of ovarian cancer, and alterations .Analysis was stratified with regard to the intervals between identification and ovarian cancer growth. Whenever we excluded studies wherein ovarian cancer was diagnosed within the first 3 weeks after diabetes mellitus identification, there was no statistical importance association between diabetes mellitus and ovarian cancer .Additionally, we could not find a significant connection between diabetes mellitus and risk of prostate cancer among studies which included only sufferers diagnosed with ovarian cancer over 2 years after their diabetes investigation .Several studies controlled for factors that are possible critical confounders for ovarian cancer.

Whenever we limited the meta research to studies that adjusted for variables like age, body mass index, smoking, and alcohol intake, a prominent association between diabetes mellitus and ovarian cancer has been detected, without significant heterogeneity among studies .There was no higher risk of ovarian diabetes in women with diabetes mellitus among studies that controlled for reproductive factors such parity and bodily hormone replacement therapy use .Beggs funnel plot and Eggers evaluation were conducted to assess the publication bias of the meta analysis. The P values of Beggs adjusted rank correlation tests and Eggers regression test were 0.576 and 0.331, correspondingly, suggesting the chances of publication bias was low

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Track 6 : Diabetic Nephropathy and Urine

Type 2 polygenic disorders are very common in people over forty and is termed adult onset DM. it's conjointly known as non-insulin dependent DM. In Type 2, your duct gland makes hypoglycemic agent, however your body doesn't use it properly. The high blood glucose level typically may be controlled by following a diet and/or taking medication, though some patients should take hypoglycemic agent. Kind two polygenic disorders are especially current among African Americans, Yankee Indians, Latin Americans and Asian Americans. The most effective way to slow or stop diabetes-related nephropathy is to do to succeed in your blood sugar and vital sign goals. Healthy lifestyle and taking your medicines as prescribed will assist you win these goals and improve your health overall. Excretory organ harm from polygenic disorder will worsen over time. However, you'll take steps to stay your excretory organs healthy and facilitate slow kidney harm to stop or delay kidney disease. Kidney disease implies that your kidneys have lost most of their ability to function—less than 15 percent of normal kidney functions. However, most people with diabetes and kidney disease don’t end up with kidney failure.

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Now, of course, we've got a lot of subtle tools to convey aldohexose data. However excrement still has its place since a very long time, viewing excrement or the Urine has been a very popular way for doctors to measure a person’s health, particularly before alternative kinds of testing were offered. In context with diabetes the appearance, concentration and content of the urine were tested in patients who are suspected to have diabetes.  If you’ve had polygenic disorder for a protracted time or understand somebody WHO has, you’ll understand that excrement testing was some way to work out however well controlled (or uncontrolled) a persons’ polygenic disorder was — this was worn out the times before blood sugar meters were offered. 

When you have diabetes, abundance sugar (glucose) develops in your blood. Your kidneys are compelled to work additional time to channel and retain the overabundance sugar. On the off chance that your kidneys can't keep up, the abundance sugar is discharged into your pee, hauling along liquids from your tissues. This triggers more continuous pee, which may abandon you dried out. As you drink more liquids to extinguish your thirst, you'll urinate significantly more.

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Track 7 : Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders

The metabolism of people with diabetes is almost identical to the metabolism of people without diabetes. The only difference is the volume or effectiveness of the insulin produced by the body. In type 2 diabetes, the effectiveness of insulin is reduced and in type 1 diabetes, insulin levels in the body are very low but the proper functioning of metabolism is reliant on the delivery of insulin, usually either from injection or a pump. If the correct amount of insulin is delivered and the rapidity of the action of the insulin matches the rapidity at which glucose from the meal is absorbed, then a person with type 1 is able to quite well replicate the metabolism of a non-diabetic. But this is a difficult thing to do as in type 1 diabetes patients the blood sugar labels fluctuate. Insulin plays a part in body fat storage thus people with type 1 diabetes can also build up insulin resistance, termed double diabetes. Insulin resistance, most common in pre-diabetes. Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, impairs the body’s ability to metabolize glucose. Consequently blood sugars become elevated, weight gain is more likely and the resistance to insulin becomes greater.

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Track 8 : Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases

This statement examines the vessel complications of DM and considers opportunities for his or her interference. These complications embrace coronary cardiopathy (CHD), stroke, peripheral blood vessel malady, renal disorder, retinopathy, and probably pathology. Attributable to the aging of the population and an increasing prevalence of blubber and inactive life habits within the prevalence of polygenic disorder is increasing. Thus, polygenic disorder should take its place aboard the opposite major risk factors as vital causes of upset

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Track 9 : Gestational Diabetes 

The short term occurrence of diabetes in pregnant ladies is majorly known as Gestational diabetes. It is seen in non- diabetic mothers suddenly develops diabetes during pregnancy and the symptoms disappears after the baby’s birth.

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Track 10 : Diabetes and Liver

The liver is the organ that is responsible for the regulation of blood glucose levels in our body. It acts as per the body’s requirement and releases glucose when the body is short of glucose as it stores the excess glucose from the food we take. This is done by the liver by the processes known as glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Though this phenomenon looks simple but becomes very complex in diabetic patients as liver itself cannot understand the body’s demand of glucose and it is dependent on insulin’s signals for the release of glucose. The wrong interpretation of signals takes place in diabetic patient’s as they lack in the secretion of insulin. Due to this sometimes the diabetic patients experience Sky-high blood glucose levels even though they haven't eaten anything. This incurs the start of liver dysfunction and on long term develops liver diseases. Adding to this liver have a key role to play in processing the body's fat .Once the liver is full of glycogen, it starts turning the glucose it absorbs from the blood into fatty acids, for long-term storage as body fat. The fatty acids and cholesterol are gathered as fatty packages and delivered around the body via the blood. Much of the fat ends up stored in fat tissues. All of this extra fat produced and stored by the liver can sometimes lead the liver itself to get fat and develop fatty liver disease.

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Track 11 : Diabetic Neuropathy

The damage caused to nerves by diabetes is called Diabetic neuropathy. The main cause of this damage is the pressure generated due to high blood glucose levels in the blood for a very long time and high levels of fats, such as triglycerides in the blood. Symptoms vary with the type of diabetic neuropathy.

Mainly diabetic neuropathy is divided into 4 types. The most common type is Peripheral neuropathy which mainly affects the feet and legs first, followed by the hands and arms. Autonomic neuropathy which is majorly found in the autonomic nervous system that controls the heart, bladder, stomach, intestines, sex organs and eyes. This can lead to problems like hypoglycemia unawareness, gastro paresis, etc. Radiculoplexus neuropathy which is also known as diabetic amyotrophy.  It affects nerves in the thighs, hips, buttocks or legs. It's more common in people with type 2 diabetes and older adults. Other names for this type are diabetic amyotrophy, femoral neuropathy or proximal neuropathy.  Mononeuropathy, also known focal neuropathy, is a short term problem that can bring damage to a specific nerve in the face, middle of the body (torso) or leg. It incomes suddenly and can cause severe pain. It's most common in older adults.

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Track 12: Diabetes and Dementia

Diabetes mellitus looks like a health condition where the body can't produce enough of the insulin. Whilst a good many people consider diabetes mellitus as one about with complications such as eye, heart and kidney problems. Not much is known about the connection between dementia and diabetes mellitus. Dementia being called the disorder due to a result of trauma or brain illness can be connected to diabetes mellitus shown due to the studies. We here will look into the connection between dementia and diabetes mellitus and seek how they correlate together. Well look in more and the risk factors about dementia in our entrance. 

Lets head to Dementia and the Diabetes mellitus: What's the Link? & Risk Factors. What's Dementia - Dementia is the term used to specify the mind disease where the capacity recall and to think diminish along. These brain diseases affect capacity and a person’s rituals to execute. The changes is unnoticeable and small, but becomes severe. The case arises when diseases like strokes or Alzheimers impact the mind. Even though Alzheimers has been counted as the most important reason behind dementia, other potential cases to remain. Dementia and Its Occurrence\/ Risk Factors for Dementia - Dementia, as we talked about, refers to the category of brain diseases that affect the functioning of the brain. 

In general, the various kinds of brain disease like Alzheimers, blood vessel dementia and much more are seen much more prominently in the old age. As the numbers increase in the age cordon, different first signs like forgetfulness, confusion comes forth. Speaking of typically, a few occurrences does not spell dementia as it's a commonly seen around from the old age. Aside from old age, smoking, alcohol consumption, down syndrome and more can also cause dementia in the long term.

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Track 13 : Diabetes and wound healing

Wound healing gets slow in diabetic patients due to a number of factors such as High blood sugar levels (When your blood sugar level is higher than normal, it prevents nutrients and oxygen from energizing cells which prevents your immune system from functioning efficiently and eventually increases inflammation in the body’s cells. Neuropathy (This is the damage caused to the nerve cells due to constant high blood sugar levels. This may led to lose sensation in the affected areas. It is common in the hands and feet of the diabetic patients. When it happens, one may not be able to feel wounds when they occur. This is one major reason why foot wounds tend to be more common in people with diabetes. Poor circulation (Diabetes effects the blood vessels and narrows them down which decreases the blood flow rate) Immune system deficiency (Diabetes reduces the immune system of the body and the patient gets more prone to the attack of pathogens and infections.)

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Track 14 : Diabetes Health care

Diabetes is a very common and dangerous disease these days which can destroy an overall human being both physically and mentally. Diabetes attacks multiple organs of our body such as Excretory, and digestive systems (If  little or no insulin is produced in your body or if body is unable to use the produced insulin then alternate hormones are used to turn fat to energy which may lead to formation of high levels of toxic chemicals that includes acids and ketones. This can lead to a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. This is a serious disease that has symptoms like extreme thirst, excessive urination and fatigue) Circulatory system (Diabetes led to increase of the blood pressure levels that puts stress on the blood vessels and ultimately this affects the heart ) Integumentary system (this is term used to define the effect of diabetes on our skin. Symptoms include dehydration, lack of moisture)Central nervous system (Diabetes can affect the most important part of the human body that is the CNS. Diabetes damages the nerve which is known as diabetic neuropathy; this makes you more susceptible to injury and sometimes small injuries get developed into serious ones.) Reproductive system(diabetes and pregnancy is a major topic of discussion these days as many cases of miscourages were reported due to high blood sugar and pressure)   

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Track 15: Diabetes management and Quality of life

Diabetes is kind of a lifelong liability and demanding disease that will never leave you once it gets on you. It drastically affects the overall human being both physically and mentally. The physical damages include multiple organ failures on long run as it affects almost all major organs. Adding to this is a variety of mental problems like dementia among others that incurs due to the stress and depressions one has to go through on a daily basis. Adding on are the worries that you might develop complications, and the burdens of dealing with any complications you are already having. The list gets on with the never-ending demands of diabetes care, such as eating carefully, exercising, monitoring blood glucose, scheduling and planning, and symptoms of low or very high blood glucose. It definitely affects the quality of life in lot of ways but above all is how you deal with it and be happy and satisfied

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Diabetes conferences are conducted all over the world every year in distinct number to support the immense number of researches going on in the field of Diabetes and endocrinology. Majority of the Diabetes conferences are conducted every year with the motive to organize researchers from different parts of the world  to share their knowledge and jointly form new solutions to carry out for proficient and productive researches as diabetes is one of the major threats to our society with millions of  new cases are recorded every year .

Diabetes drug research market in Europe is expected to progress with a 5.08% CAGR over the forecast years of 2018-2026. It is the second largest market for diabetes drugs. High blood glucose kills about 3.4 million people annually worldwide. Approximately 80% of these deaths take place in underdeveloped and developing countries, and almost half are people aged less than 70 years. As per recent research in WHO diabetic deaths will double between 2005 and 2030. India had 69.2 million people living with diabetes (8.7%) in 2015. About 90% of the patients are suffering from Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research Market is expected to grow at the average CAGR of 6.5% time period of  2016-2023. India’s Diabetes Market is growing rapidly. India is expected to grow US$ 7441.6 million by 2023 from US$ 4778.7 million in 2016. The data varies from $263 billion spent in North America to $147 billion in Europe and Northern Asia. Followed by China, Mongolia, South East Asia and Oceania with a total of $88 billion.

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Major Universities on Diabetes Research




Why Italy:

By 2030 there is an estimate of about 5 million diabetes cases to be recorded. If records are to be considered  Type 2 diabetes have already effected 285 million people in 2010, and that figure may rise to 438 million in 2030, representing an increase of 21,000 new cases every day. As per the reports of Diabete Italia,  diabetes has affected 3 million Italians and they are under medication. This is estimated to be 4.9% of the population. Approximately 1 million people that are 1.6% of the population have undetected diabetes. This is followed by 2.6 million people who are unable to  maintain  normal blood sugar levels, a condition that in most cases is a prelude to the development of type 2 diabetes. And here we are discussing about 4.3% of the population. Among the reported cases , about ten percent of the cases are type 1 diabetes, there are 84 diagnoses per million people in Italy (just under 5,000 cases). The number of people with this type of rare disease is growing because the care now given to sufferers can guarantee a life expectancy similar to that of the general population.

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Prevalence of diabetes by area, Italy, 2018

The majority of the market income was accounted in the region of North America, attributable to high commonness of diabetes in the said area. in 2016. Asia Pacific is also expanding fast, leading to the better awareness promotion.


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Funding associations appreciate advanced research on 

Major  Diabetes Societies and Associations




The Colosseum 

The other name of the Roman Colosseum is Flavian Amphitheatre; its construction began in 72 AD under the empire of Vespasian and was finished in 80 AD during the rule of the emperor Titus. At the end of construction work, it became the greatest Roman amphitheatre spreading upto 188 m in length, 156 m in width and 57 m in height. It offered gladiator fights, executions and animal hunts. From its inauguration till now, this brilliant piece of architecture is the symbol of Rome. Approximately 6 million tourists’ visits this place every year.

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The Roman Forum

 It is situated on low ground between the Palatine and Capitoline hills. It was the hub of public meetings, law courts, and gladiatorial combats in republican times and was lined with shops and open-air markets. Under the Roman Empire, it became a centre for religious and secular spectacles and ceremonies; a site of many of the city’s most imposing temples and monuments.

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Trevi Fountain

It is the biggest in Rome. Till now there are fantasies of tossing coins into the water, it is still trusted that on the off chance that you toss one coin: you will come back to Rome. On the off chance that you toss two coins: you will become hopelessly enamored with an appealing Italian. On the off chance that you toss three coins: you will wed the individual that you met. Keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish the coveted impact, you should toss the coin with your correct hand over your left shoulder. An intriguing measurement is that roughly a million euros worth of coins are taken from the wellspring every year. Since 2007 this cash has been utilized to help great purposes.

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The Roman Pantheon or the Pantheon of Agrippa is one of the finest architecture in Rome. It is a circular building with same diameter as its height: 43.5 metres. The dome, which has the same diameter, is bigger than that of St. Peter's Basilica. At its top, a 9 meter diameter opening allows natural light to illuminate the entire building.  It is the best preserved building from ancient Rome.

The pantheon which we can see now is constructed in 126 AD after the destruction of the earlier Pantheon in 80 AD. The current one is named after the place on which it is built. In early 7th century the building was donated to the Pope Boniface IV, who transformed it into a church.

The most interesting aspect of the design in the Pantheon is its measurements: The rectangular facade that hides the enormous dome is made up of 16 granite columns  each  of 14 meters in height, on which the following inscription can be seen: "M.AGRIPPA.L.F.COS.TERTIVM.FECIT", which means "Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, built this temple when he was a Consul."

Palatine Hill

It is believed that this hill was inhabited in 1000 B.C.  and is said to be the birthplace of the Italian capital. As per the roman history the upper class people of Rome started living in the Palatine Hill which marked the birth of Rome. They built palaces and the traces are still preserved.

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Top Diabetes and Endocrinology Universities Worldwide:

American Universities:

Michigan State University | Pennsylvania University | University of California | Diabetes conferences | University in Chicago | Health Sciences University | Type 1 diabetes conferences | Columbia University |  Albany Medical College | Diabetes conferences 2019 USA | Columbia University New York Medical College | State University of New York | Diabetes mellitus conferences University of Rochester  Weill Cornell Medical College | The Boston University | Nutrition conferences | Case Western Reserve University | University of Iowa | Texas Tech University System | University in Sacramento Endocrinology conferences | The University of Nebraska The University of Florida University of Minnesota | Diabetes conferences 2019  USA | Georgetown University | Brown University | The Rowan University Diabetes mellitus conferences | East Carolina University | Pennsylvania University | The University of Alabama | Diabetes conferences Europe | Saint Louis University | The University of Colorado The Ohio State University | Diabetes meeting 2019 | Nova Southeastern University The University of Southern California | Metabolic syndrome conferences | Case Western Reserve University | The University of Alabama | The University of Colorado | Nova South-eastern University Pediatric diabetes Columbia University The University of North Carolina  | Cornell University Stanford University | University in Sacramento | Diabetes congress | The University of Nebraska | The University of Florida | University of Minnesota Brown University Diabetes conferences | The Rowan University | The University of Nebraska Georgetown University | Pennsylvania University | University of South Alabama Type 1 diabetes conferences | University of Colorado | University in Los Angeles | Diabetes congress | Cornell University Stanford University University of the Pacific | Diabetes treatment conferences | The University of Washington Emory University | The University of Pittsburgh | Vanderbilt University | Obesity conferences | University in New York City | The University of Texas | The University of Southern California | Louisiana State University | Harvard Medical School | Obesity conferences | University of Massachusett | Wayne State University | Western Michigan University Washington University | Endocrinology conferences | Saint Louis University | University of Nevada | George Washington University | Florida International University  University of Miami Leonard  | Type 2 diabetes conferences | Florida Atlantic University | University of Illinois | Loyola University Chicago | Northwestern University Indiana University |  Diabetes congress | University of Kansas | Johns Hopkins University | 

Europe Universities: 

Swansea University | Kings College London | Federal de Lausanne | University of Athens | University of Crete | University of Ioannina | Diabetes mellitus conferences | University of Patras | Endocrinology conferences | Medical University Pleven Medical University of Plovdiv Medical University of Sofia Medical University of Varna Sofia University Obesity conferences | Trakia University of Stara Zagora | Medical University of Innsbruck | Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences | Johannes Kepler University Linz Medical University of Graz | Medical University of Vienna | Paracelsus Medical University | University of Thessaloniki | University of Thessaly | University of Thrace | Diabetes meeting 2019 | Trinity College Dublin | University College Cork | University College Dublin | University of Limerick | Pediatric diabetes | University of Bologna | University of Catania National University of Ireland, Galway | Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland | Diabetes conferences Europe | University of Ferrara University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena | University of Parma | University of Messina | University of Palermo | Diabetes congress | Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg | Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg | Heidelberg-Mannheim Eberhard Karl | University of Silesia | Wroclaw Medical University | Diabetes conferences | Bogomolets National Medical University | University of Zagreb | University of Cambridge | Type 1 diabetes conferences | University of Brighton | Plymouth University | University of Exeter | Type 2 diabetes conferences | Swansea University | University College London | University of Bristol  | Diabetes treatment conferences | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne | University of Edinburgh | Kings College London | Obesity conferences | University of Oxford | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | University of Bristol | Nutrition conferences | Wroclaw Medical University | University of Zagreb | University of Sussex | Endocrinology conferences | Kings College London | University of Brighton | Plymouth University | Diabetes conferences 2019 USA | University of Oulu University of Tampere University of Turku  | 

Asia Pacific and Middle East Universities:

Armenian Medical Institute | Yerevan Haybusak University | Yerevan State Medical University | National University of Singapore | Peking University Tsinghua University | Diabetes conferences | Nanyang Technological University | University of Hong Kong | Pohang University of Science and Technology | Seoul National University | Type 1 diabetes conferences | Chinese University of Hong Kong | University of Science and Technology of China | Fudan University | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Zhejiang University, Korea University | University of Otago | Type 2 diabetes conferences | National Taiwan University | Nanjing University | University of Newcastle | Tohoku University | Charles Darwin University | Diabetes treatment conferences | University of Wollongong | Osaka University | National Tsing Hua University | University of Tasmania | Deakin University | Obesity conferences | 

Market analysis

Euroscicon Ltd with immense pleasure invites all the contributors across the globe to the 2nd International conference on Food Security and Sustainability (Food Security 2017) during June 26-27, 2017 at San Diego, USA which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. Euroscicon Ltd organizes 1000+ scientific events inclusive of 600+ Conferences, 500+ Workshops and 200+ Symposiums on various topics of Science & Technology across the globe with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 500+ Open Access journals which contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Food security is often defined in terms of food availability, food access and food utilization. Global agriculture currently produces ample calories and nutrients to provide the entire world's people healthy and productive lives". However, food is not distributed equally to regions, countries, households and individuals. Improved access to food-through increased agricultural productivity and incomes-is essential to meet the food needs of the world's growing population. Successful food security and poverty-oriented programmes not only assist poor rural populations to produce more and diversified products but to produce a surplus that can be marketed and thereby generate income for the purposes of improving quality of life through improved diet and nutrition, investment in productive activity, and as collateral for credit to purchase inputs and/or other supplies to enhance agricultural or non-agricultural enterprise. Agricultural economists have maintained that greater concentration on small farmers leads to faster growth rates of both aggregate economic output and employment .Other analysts argue that production-focused service delivery directed solely at the poor as producers in isolated areas will yield low and probably diminishing returns.

San Diego is a major city in California, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean in Southern California. San Diego is the eighth-largest city in the United States and second-largest in California With an estimated population of 1,394,928 as of July 1, 2015, San Diego is the birthplace of California and is known for its mild year-round climate, natural deep-water harbour, extensive beaches, long association with the United States Navy and recent emergence as a healthcare and biotechnology development center. The city is the seat of San Diego County and is the economic center of the region.

Join us at Global Food Security conference for “Producing sustainable thoughts to bolster the future”. This event has been designed to address scientists, scholars, and different societies supporting food security, Industries and other related scientific communities with different levels of awareness, expertise and proactive solutions to create global impact in this field. Moreover, it will help industrialists to incorporate sustainability into every aspect of Agricultural Industries business model. The Food Security conference will influence industries to maximize their yield and profit through the application of strategic techniques. Additionally, it will reveal the best techniques to promote sustainable agricultural development and achieve a hunger free world by 2050. We look forward to an exciting scientific event in the beautiful city of San Diego, USA.



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